“You Have the Emergence in Human Society of This Thing Called the State”

I’ve spent the past week writing the unit that I will be using with my seniors come May. In addition to a slew of hefty reading materials, my unit revolves around getting my students to use a set of digital recorders I’ve acquired. My students will be creating audio documentaries about an experience in their lives. By the beginning of June, there should be 70+ podcasts available somewhere for the world to hear (stay tuned for proper linkage!).

I needed to create a sample podcast for my students to hear and dutifully made a six and a half minute shoddy opus about my first day at Manual Arts. It gets a little rant-y in the middle and obviously the sound quality isn’t pristine, but maybe you’d like to hear it, eh? Everbody now, right click here: 1st Day at Manual Arts

This American Life, here I come!

1 thought on ““You Have the Emergence in Human Society of This Thing Called the State”

  1. daye


    awesome stuff… i love the podcast. you know im down in anyway to help out with this project in anyway, so let me know… you know my mind is always thinking… “the american school” anyone… let’s make it happen, man…

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