Don’t take the inconsistent updating of this blog as a sign on lethargy or inaction. The fact of the matter is that, in addition to being back on track and teaching, I’m fully immersed in several projects (two of which may have larger implications than I can really predict at the moment).
However, I’m at a real dilemma at the moment.
On one hand there are projects that I’m still wrapping my head around and trying to approach from theoretical perspectives in an effort to maintain level-headedness. Take yesterday; I spent three and a half hours in a meeting that completely reoriented my perspective and feelings about next year. In short I left extremely angry and motivated to pursue…other projects. And as much as I am exploring ideas, avenues of even further exploration, and dialogue with other allies, it is out of place to address any of these topics in any kind of formal manner on this site. To be clear, I’m not at the liberty to talk about certain issues pertinent to the current state and future direction of my high school.
On the other hand, I have other (possibly more upbeat) projects that I’m in the process of developing. I should be talking about these things. However, now more than ever I am becoming wary of concepts like intellectual property and not peacocking ideas that I haven’t either published or presented formally. Selfish, egotistical, and self-righteous? Probably exceedingly so. However, I’m actively pursuing work bordering both research and practical application within the classroom and I’ve heard enough horror stories in such a short time that such ideas remain as fragments on m hard drive rather than diamonds to be mined via google.
This isn’t any kind of rationale for lack of recent posts. I’m merely confronting my need to tangle through various ideas and my need for that entanglement to not be one that is public. Of course, that leaves me in a position, presently, of deciding a course of action for this blog. While I still maintain an interest in documenting and further inquiring into various interests including professional, academic pursuits, I think that this site can only be tangentially connected to these efforts. I’m relegated to pop culture, classroom observations, and pedagogical gizmos as they wash up on a generic shore. Of course, most of my current interests (that currently remain nameless on the digital wilderness) came about through such ad hoc discovery. Likely many things noted here will lead toward more professionally developed ideas, but that’s something to be noticed only when looking back, not to be judged while looking forward.
I can, however, share my thoughts on tonight’s fantastic book club. I think that will happen tomorrow.