Do you know about Figment? It’s a reading and writing community for primarily young adults. And it’s awesome.
In any case, one of the first courses I’ll be teaching at Colorado State next year is focused on adolescent literature. Asking an avid YA-reading community like Figment to help develop the reading list for the course seemed like a no-brainer. So far, I’ve been thrilled with the suggestions and feedback that the Figment community has provided. I’ll be finalizing the reading list at the beginning of next month, so feel free to add your suggestions if you have not already.
Also, as I mention in the thread, I am anticipating having the CSU students interact with the Figment community through the site’s “groups” feature. I will be posting information about ways to participate in the class once it begins in the fall.
“Going Bovine?” No? Just me? I can live with that. I want to see this list!